Entertainment Labor Bibliography Reviewed!

My book Entertainment Labor: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography was just reviewed in the Labor Studies Journal (subscription). In her review, Prof. Sheree Gregory said the book is "extremely well researched, providing both depth and breadth in its coverage" and contains "extensive references."

She called it "user-friendly and accessible" and added that it "would be useful to academics, attorneys, or legal scholars who study or work with the entertainment unions and graduate students interested in entertainment labor issues."

Thank you professor, for a very nice review!

In a previous review, the American Association of Law Librarians said the book "has something for everyone.... For any librarian looking for a comprehensive, very specific work on resources regarding guilds and unions in the entertainment industry, Entertainment Labor: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography could meet your needs...and perhaps even those needs you never knew you had until you've seen the unique scope of this work."

The book, a 345 page reference containing over 1,500 citations to books, articles, dissertations, legal cases and other resources, includes:

• Annotations (where necessary to explain the relevance of the book or article)

• Capsule descriptions of legal cases

• Page references (where only a portion of the book or article is relevant)

• URLs (for full-text articles that are available online at no charge)

• A detailed chapter on materials available from the unions and guilds themselves

• A 90-page index